The Meredith Library is ready for the next step in its oral history project. We are now taking appointments with people who were in Meredith in 1968 to begin recording interviews. If you are interested in telling your story or recollections of the time, please contact Linda or Matthew at the Meredith Library by calling (603) 279-4303. You may also e-mail us (please refer to our contact page).

There are no stories or memories too small! We want to know what it was like to live in Meredith during Bicentennial Celebrations. Did you participate in any of the parades? Did you see Mr. Sweeps the Clown at Prescott Park? Did you participate in the Brothers of the Brush or the Meredith Militia? Did you go to the Time Capsule Burial? We want to hear from you!
I remember my Grammy making my mother and I dresses to March in the parade…they took almost a year to make as she sewed everything by hand or on her old fashion tredle sewing machine. This was the year my dad bought her a new Singer sewing machine. I remember walking with Miss Rock in the parade.
Thanks for your memory! If you would ever like to talk to us about it to record and put in the new time capsule, feel free to call us at (603) 279-4303.