The Meredith Public Library will be hosting an Oral History Workshop on April 21, 2018. The workshop, hosted by Oral Historian Jo Radner, will cover interview techniques, equipment, how to begin, and much more!
Historical societies, libraries, museums, schools, and other organizations interested in creating or advancing oral history projects are invited to send representatives to this workshop. Jo Radner will guide participants through designing oral history projects, using effective interviewing strategies, and presenting community stories. Participants will leave with a repertoire of useful skills, a plan of action, and a manual for future reference.
Light breakfast, snacks and beverages served. Bring a brown bag lunch or order in. Jo would like to have a working lunch.
Paid for through a grant from the NH Humanities Council and by the Friends of the Meredith Library.
There is limited space for this event. Please call the Meredith Library at (603) 279-4303 and reserve your spot today!